Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Rear completed

Dropped in today and met the brickie- a nice young guy. Pleased to see that there is great progress and the back is completed, they are up to the front rooms and hope to finish by early next week. 

The pool paving people called and hope to concrete the beam this Friday and install coping tiles early next week.

This picture is a good candidate for some photo manipulation to see how the finished yard might look with various landscaping options.

Another panorama of the rear

A small problem with damage to the frame meaning they can't work on the front bedroom, nothing to worry about as the frame people will be back to fix in a day or so.
steel frame damage

Sliced bricks ready for windows
sliced bricks

Rainwater plumbing to en suite

Main bedroom wall still to be completed
main bedroom wall

Laundry door and study wall looking towards front of the house


BelleBeau said...

Sean, the back of the house looks to have fairly big windows/doors. Interested to know why you think you should have gone bigger? Is it because of the amount of light you are seeing inside your house or the look from the outside?
I think it looks great!

Sean said...

Thanks for the nice comment!, the windows are fine for size. It is the rear sliding doors that we are not sure about, we have imagined the entire back wall to be glass.....

Anonymous said...

Yep. That pic suggests a nice amount of room, and you can't even see the pool, so there must be a bit of space. Looking good.