Monday, February 2, 2009

Door frames started

Today the door frames were started. Call from SS asking that we obtain a contract for our import/export meter- perfectly reasonable request. Apparently most power companies want you to sign a contract that you will install PV cells within a set time before they will install an import/export meter, again quite reasonable. Well for the first time in this blog a company will be named.  Origin Electrical clearly have zero interest in signing up customers. After over an hour on hold I could find no one at Origin who had any interest or even knowledge of how we could connect up a new house, let alone have an import/export meter. How hard can it be to sign up a new customer?  Too hard is the answer.  SS was very understanding when I called back to say we wouldn't be having an import/export meter after all. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here is the quickest & easiest way to start your own profitable import export business. and I am convinced anyone can copy our step by step plan Once they understand.